Up next STILL OUTAGAZ! Published on July 11, 2024 Author Tim Cachelin Share article Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Mail 0 Celebrating Diversity! EVs and Gas Engines in Harmony Why Not Both? Embracing the Future of Automotive Enthusiasm In a world where media polarization often forces us to choose sides, it’s essential to remember the value of a balanced perspective, especially in the automotive industry. With the recent market adjustment, many enthusiasts are questioning the place of electric vehicles (EVs) alongside traditional gas-powered cars. However, I firmly believe that EVs have just as much to offer to the automotive enthusiast community as their gas-powered counterparts. It’s no secret to anyone who has been paying attention that the EV market rate of growth has slowed in the past few months. Expectations on the parts of governments, manufacturers, and consumers have begun to align closer to reality. However this period of adjustment is a natural part of their integration into the broader market. It took decades to transition from horse-drawn carriages to the internal combustion engine. At that time, gas stations were as sparse as charging stations are now. The market will evolve, infrastructure will improve, and the benefits of both types of propulsion will become more apparent. It’s no surprise to me that you can’t just flip a switch and go all electric. For some, it’s tempting to see these obstacles as a sign that the writing is on the wall for EVs. Disparagers will be quick to point out the need for charging infrastructure, reliability issues, and concerns about the materials needed to build EVs. As a result, and largely due to media polarization, consumers feel the need to pick between one or the other. But why choose when you can enjoy both? One of the more frustrating aspects of public perception is the notion that embracing EVs means turning away from gas, diesel, hybrid, and other types of powertrains. This all-or-nothing thinking disregards the rich experiences both types of vehicles offer. Speaking from personal experience, those who shun EVs from an automotive enthusiast’s perspective often have never had the distinct privilege of experiencing the feeling of instantaneous torque or the ease of ownership that an EV offers. Just because you love the sound of a blow-off valve or a loping cam does not mean you need to dismiss the whine of an inverter and power of the permanent magnet. It is human nature to distrust what we do not understand. Yet, the thrill of a well-engineered EV can match, and sometimes even surpass, the excitement offered by traditional internal combustion engines. I know my dream garage has both a turbo and an axial flux motor, and I would imagine that most of you reading this feel the same way. The beauty of being an automotive enthusiast lies in appreciating engineering marvels, regardless of their power source. So, let’s raise a glass to hot-rodding, no matter the means of propulsion, electric or gas. The automotive world is big enough for both EVs and traditional gas-powered vehicles. Embrace the innovation, enjoy the performance, and celebrate the diversity that makes our community so vibrant.
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