Rebirth of an Icon: How the Ferrari Testarossa Became the Teslarossa

How a Legendary Supercar Became an EV Icon Without Losing Its Soul In the world of automotive legends, few names carry the gravitas of the […]

The 7-97 E-Volt: A Timeless Porsche Transformed for the Electric Future

Retrofitting the 964 for the Future Kalmar Automotive has redefined what it means to be a modern coachbuilder. Operating out of Denmark and Estonia, Kalmar […]

Lowrider Meets Electric: LA’s 1957 Bel EV

Current LA’s ‘57 Bel EV A classic lowrider icon receives an electric heart from within the bustling city of Los Angeles. Brian C. Dilley’s brainchild, Current […]

Understanding Loss of Isolation (LOI) in Electric Vehicles: Causes, Testing, and Safety Measures

Decoding ‘Loss of Isolation’ in Electric Vehicles In the world of electric vehicles, the term “Loss of Isolation” (LOI) sparks curiosity and concern. As EV conversions become […]

Racing Into the Future: Lucy Block's Pioneering Drive in the Sierra Echo EV Block Edition

Racing Into the Future In the heart of Colorado’s iconic Pikes Peak, history was etched anew on June 25, 2023, as racing wonder Lucy Block […]

How Electrical Bonding Can Save Your Life: EV Safety Explained

How Electrical Bonding Can Save Your Life As cooler months descend upon us, so do tacky wool sweaters. If you’ve had the opportunity to wear […]

Desert Thunder: Electric Vehicles Take on El Mirage

Land Speed Racing El Mirage Dry Lake Bed Nov. 11, 2023 It’s 5am and the noise and the slow rumble of diesel generators begin to […]

A Million EVs: The Milestone That Marks a New Era in Automotive

A Milli, A Milli, A Milli In 2023, US car buyers bought more than 1 million EVs for the first time in history. This is […]

Legacy of Innovation: The E-Testarossa by Gas Monkey Garage

The Incredible E-Testarossa that Richard Rawlings Wanted to Call ‘Test-E’ Imagine a world where a classic Ferrari purrs absolutely silently. Sounds like heresy, right? Well, […]

Golden Revolution: A Tesla-Powered 1980 Mercedes Benz

David Rosenstraus’ Tesla-Powered 1980 Mercedes 300CD Conversions of diesel vehicles to electric are quite rare, especially in the U.S., but David Rosenstraus’ 1980 Mercedes 300CD […]